Will Polar release a Polar V800 successor this year? More and more gossip is leaking through the net.
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Tech, know-how and this&that
posted on July 9, 2018 by Andy in Sport
Will Polar release a Polar V800 successor this year? More and more gossip is leaking through the net.
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posted on May 14, 2018 by Andy in Windows
Using Windows 10 and sysprep can be very annoying: Especially the app store and apps can screw your sysprepping. This article will show you a way to sysprep your Windows successfully.
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posted on April 29, 2018 by Andy in Windows, Windows Server
Robocopy features a lot of parameters. While some are well known and used, there is maybe the most underrated parameter: /MT for multithreading. I have checked how this parameter impacts the speed of your copy jobs.
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posted on April 16, 2018 by Andy in Windows, WSUS
Sometimes clients are having trouble contacting your WSUS or can contact them but do not report their status.
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posted on September 11, 2017 by Andy in Windows Server, WSUS
If your WSUS MMC console keeps crashing when opening a certain computer group, it could be an corrupted computer entry in the database.
posted on July 28, 2017 by Andy in Windows
Stopping a Windows service might not always work as expected. In this case, you might want to force the service to stop.
posted on June 19, 2017 by Andy in Windows Server
Tickets regarding access rights can be very annoying and time consuming. With Windows Server 2012 Microsoft has implemented a new feature “Access-denied assistance”, which allows users to create a ticket from the access denied error message.
posted on April 6, 2017 by Andy in Windows
Windows 10 does not allow you to run apps like Edge with the built-in administrator account (Most likely because the administrator bypasses the UAC).
You will get this error message:
posted on March 6, 2017 by Andy in Windows
As you know, Windows 10 comes with a lot of preinstalled applications (Or Apps as Microsoft calls them nowadays).
You might find some of them useful (Like Calendar and Mail as it will show your next appointment on the lock screen. Other apps might not be your favorite or you want to setup a company image and don’t want your users to have for example the 3D Builder app.
posted on February 27, 2017 by Andy in Exchange/Outlook
After switching to Exchange 2016 a user of us received meeting invitations from another user for a reoccurring meeting, he already accepted. The invitation was for a single instance, the user had declined, and contained no additional information (like agenda, attachments, etc).