Using Windows 10 and sysprep can be very annoying: Especially the app store and apps can screw your sysprepping. This article will show you a way to sysprep your Windows successfully.
The new store apps are saved on 2 different areas on your clients: In the user profile and as provisioned package (The later is copied to the user profile for every newly logged in user).
This is the reason why sysprep might fail with an error 1830. Especially when you have deleted the provisioned apps already, but they are still installed on a user profile.
A way to install a clean Windows 10 and sysprep it successfully is for us:
- Install Windows 10 (e.g. use the ISO from the volume licensing portal and install it on a VM)
- When asked to enter a user name, use for example “install”
- Install updates and make your preparations
- Open an elevated powershell prompt
- Use the commands:
Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
(This will uninstall all apps for new users - Create a new user “sysprep”
- Restart your system
- Login as sysprep user
- Delete the user install via the advanced system information dialog
- Start the sysprep process